Trilogy Buffer Neighborhood Group
We, the undersigned as residents of Trilogy Monarch Dunes, ask the CCMA to have a sustainable meadow put in as required in Phase 2 and to address the Meadow irrigation and maintenance issues outlined below. We are highly concerned about significant cost increases after Shea leaves.
Current Meadow Planting Plan
Shea turned the Meadow over to the HOA when Shea controlled the HOA. The Meadow that was turned over is not sustainable. Shea has been seeding grasses for 4 years with limited success. We want the board to use the recommendations provided by an outside consultant (Greenly) that was hired for $5000.That consultant reported that Shea’s plan will not work. He estimated a cost of $500,000 over 3 years to establish a sustainable Meadow. We want Shea to bear the cost of putting in a sustainable Meadow. Additionally, we want a warranty from Shea for the Meadow.
Meadow Irrigation System
The underground Meadow watering system has had multiple failures. Some breaks have costs more than $10,000 to repair. Shea has acknowledged that the watering system was not installed correctly and agreed to have the installation company fix the system. We want the work inspected as it is being done and written warranty of the installed system.
Meadow Maintenance
The meadow is not being maintained satisfactorily. The vendor responsible for gopher eradication was changed and since that occurred, residents are seeing increases in the damages due to gophers coming into backyards from the Meadow. We want to know how much of our dues are used for gopher eradication, the vendor’s gopher current eradication plan and a plan to control gopher eradication in the future so we can get to the levels we had before the change in vendors.
If you agree with the above concerns, you can sign up on-line and we will pass your agreement on to the committee or if you prefer, send us an email at trilogybuffergroup@gmail.com and we will come by to get a signature in person.