Trilogy Monarch Dunes
Phase 3
Recent Information:
This meeting will be held in the Avila room and via Zoom to provide Phase Three information. Phase 3 information is available at:
Phase 3 Amenities
The Phase 3 Task Force has prioritized how Phase 3 funds will be spent. Areas that are being considered include Adelina’s / Marketplace, additional parking, sports courts, pool and the Art Studio. Attend the meeting if you would like to get more information about their recommendations
Phase 3 Specific Plan Summary
The Monarch Dunes Phase 3 Specific Plan Amendment includes adding 122 new twin homes in Monarch Dunes and 40 condominiums in the Village Center.
Phase 3 changed the Monarch Dunes Specific Plan to allow a hotel in the Village Center and Bocce courts will be moved next to the Monarch Activity Center (MAC). These changes impact homeowners.
Shea and the developer will provide $4.2M for amenities, restaurant upgrades and parking spaces at the Monarch Club and MAC. The $4.2M is conditional on Monarch Dunes accepting the Phase 3 plan without changes.
The SLO County Board of Supervisors (BOS) has agreed to allow Shea to use Quimby fees to complete paved walking / cycling paths around Monarch Dunes.
Additional detail is provided on the following pages.
Issues Impacting Residents
Congestion due to Phase 3 at the intersection of Trilogy Parkway and Via Concha Road has not been addressed. Via Concha is the most direct way to get to Highway 101 and Highway 1 and it is also the most direct path to the Monarch Club for more than 1100 current homeowners and all new Phase 3 homeowners. In addition, once Phase 3 is completed the number of parking spaces around the intersection could double.
The developer’s proposed Village Center parking plan does not allow for existing parking usage. If this is not addressed it could impact new businesses in the Village Center, create issues for people visiting the planned elder care facility, and cause overflow onto neighborhood streets.
Prior to Phase 3, a hotel in the Village Center was prohibited in the Specific Plan and there were no plans to put sport courts by the MAC. A hotel with a rooftop bar replacing the types of businesses allowed in the Village Center and adding sports courts next to a resident’s home impacts nearby home values.
The hotel was originally allowed in a location where Shea now intends to build new homes. The original location is a short walk from the Village Center. Keeping the hotel in that location as originally planned would not impact current home values and the Village Center location could then be used for the sport courts currently planned for the MAC and additional parking spaces for the Village Center businesses. Keeping the hotel at the original location would decrease the number of new homes by about 8.
There is a severe water shortage on the Central Coast. In the past Shea has focused on maintaining Trilogy's "look and feel" and provided landscapes as standard that use a significant amount of water. Shea has been claiming lower water use for homes built in Trilogy since 2017. To reach the claimed water use the new homes would have needed a low water use landscape. Low water use landscapes were an extra cost. For the new homes Shea needs to provide low water use landscapes as standard. There should be no grass in front lawns or on the parkway strip.
In addition, Shea has made multiple attempts and failed to put in a sustainable meadow around the vineyards as required before the start of Phase 3. Shea has now agreed to put in a sustainable meadow but the meadow will primarly be grasses and not the wildflower meadow they originally promised. This saves Shea a significant amount of money. If they do not establish a sustainable meadow the cost to resolve this issue will be passed on to homeowners.
Contact us at trilogyphase3@gmail.com if you have questions or comments or would like to be notified of updates to the site.
Detailed Information (webpages)
Phase 3 Overview
Homeowner Impact
SLO County Phase 3 Planning and Supervisor Meetings
Contact Us